Visits and Emergencies

Home Visits and Emergencies


The doctors do Home Visits on patients who are clinically unable to get to the Surgery.

Ideally, requests for visits, except for emergencies, should be made before 10.30am in the morning.


The Practice will always try and respond immediately to emergencies. There are, however, cases where it would be better for the patient or carer to call an Ambulance directly and these include:

  • Collapse
  • Patients with chest pain lasting for more than 15 minutes
  • Obvious major injuries

Out of Hours

All calls to the surgery between 6.30pm and 8.30am during the week and at weekends are dealt with by the 111 service.

They will take your details and will go through a questionnaire to decide on what is the most appropriate course of action for your health problem.

The options will be either to give advice, ask a doctor or nurse to contact you or to advise you to visit Accident & Emergency.

If you need to see a doctor they will either see you at a primary care centre (the Rye Memorial Care Centre or the Conquest Hospital).

Or will come and visit you depending on what the problem is.